Kostenlose Online-Tickets für Crypto Assets Conference CAC22B am 18. -19. Oktober 2022

Dis­co­ver recent deve­lop­ments: block­chain, cus­tody, crypto assets, DeFi, digi­tal Euro.

Join the Crypto Assets Con­fe­rence which takes place on the cam­pus of the Frank­furt School of Finance & Manage­ment on Octo­ber 18 – 19, 2022.

The world of digi­tal assets is chan­ging rapidly. Cryp­to­cur­ren­cies like Bit­coin and Ethe­reum mature, DeFi pro­to­cols and NFTs grow at a rapid pace, Meta­verse is the tech’s newest trend, the Digi­tal Euro is being dis­cus­sed fre­quently and block­chain tech­no­logy has more use cases than ever. Digi­tal assets are here to stay, and their future is brigh­ter than ever before.
Join over 300 guests each day on-​​site and 5,000+ online atten­dees on Octo­ber 18 & 19 at the Crypto Asset Con­fe­rence 2022 in Frank­furt to get up to date on the latest trends in the indus­try!

At one of Europe’s lea­ding digi­tal assets con­fe­ren­ces, a diverse range of thought lea­ders and indus­try experts will unite to talk about all things crypto. Look for­ward to top-​​level con­tent about cur­rent trends in DLT, block­chain and crypto assets through spee­ches, dis­cus­sions, and pit­ches on the fol­lo­wing topics:

Day 1 (Tue., Octo­ber 18, 2022): Bit­coin, Crypto Assets, Smart Con­tract Plat­form, DeFi, Meta­verse, NFTs and Infla­tion

Day 2 (Wed., Octo­ber 19, 2022): Digi­tal Secu­ri­ties, Digi­tal Assets, Digi­tal Euro, Infra­struc­ture, MiCA, Cus­tody and Sus­taina­bi­lity

The #CAC22B will be a hybrid event inclu­ding on-​​site atten­dance in line with social dis­tan­cing regu­la­ti­ons and a livestream event. You will have net­wor­king oppor­tu­nities on-​​sit


Frank­furt School of Finance & Manage­ment Adi­ckesal­lee 32 – 34 60322 Frank­furt am Main