Climate Innovation Summit: Einladung für alle Green Start-ups

It is our plea­sure to invite you to this year’s Cli­mate Inno­va­tion Sum­mit, EIT Climate-KIC’s flagship event, from 6 – 8 Novem­ber in Dub­lin. ‘Mis­sion Finance’ – the mission-​​critical sys­tems inno­va­tion that will cata­lyse the invest­ment nee­ded to com­bat cli­mate change – is the focus of this year’s sum­mit. Topics will include cli­mate risk, moving beyond dis­clo­sure, adapta­tion, infra­struc­ture, energy effi­ci­ency and land­scapes finan­cing, as well as sus­tainable finance cen­tres and mission-​​led inno­va­tion. Toge­ther with our part­ner Sus­tainable Nation Ire­land, we have deve­l­o­ped a sum­mit that will be our lar­gest and most excit­ing yet, with over 600 par­ti­ci­pants and an enga­ging three-​​day pro­gramme. You can expect inter­ac­tive pit­ching and net­wor­king ses­si­ons, a solu­ti­ons show­case, mas­ter­clas­ses, a ple­nary game and much more. New part­nerships with the EU’s Mis­sion Inno­va­tion pro­gramme and the UN’s Finan­cial Cen­tres for Sus­taina­bi­lity net­work will be announ­ced.

Join us in Dub­lin this Novem­ber, as we – the finance pro­fes­sio­nal, busi­ness lea­der, poli­cy­ma­ker, inno­va­tor, entre­pre­neur and citi­zen – come toge­ther to make cli­mate action finance’s new mis­sion.  Regis­tra­tion for the Cli­mate Inno­va­tion Sum­mit 2018 is now open and the early bird fee avail­able until 28 Sep­tem­ber.

Visit cli​mat​ein​no​va​ti​ons​um​mit​.org for more details.

Quelle: EIT Climate-​​KIC