
Innovation Clusters in China and Regional Market Strategies for Start-ups and SMEs - Frankfurt

20.05.2022, 13:00 — 16:00 Uhr
Am 20.05.2022, 13:00 — 16:00 Uhr
Preis 25 Euro
Anmel­de­phase Bis Tag vor Beginn
Ort IHK Frank­furt am Main
Bör­sen­platz 4
60313 Frank­furt am Main

Des­pite a dif­fi­cult eco­no­mic environ­ment, China remains an import­ant busi­ness loca­tion. Its size, but also local dif­fe­ren­ces in cul­ture and eco­no­mic strength, make a regio­nal mar­ket stra­tegy necessary.

Many Ger­man com­pa­nies have sett­led in the country’s three lar­gest eco­no­mic clus­ters: the Yangtze River Delta near Shang­hai, the Bohai region around the capi­tal Bei­jing, and the Grea­ter Bay Area with Shen­zhen, Guang­zhou, and Hong Kong. The exten­sive infra­struc­ture with some of the world’s lar­gest air­ports and con­tai­ner ports, well-​​trained spe­cia­lists and broad net­works of suppliers and cust­o­mers make these regi­ons par­ti­cu­larly attrac­tive. Some of the world’s lea­ding inno­va­tion clus­ters are also loca­ted in these regi­ons.

At this event our experts will high­light the advan­ta­ges and future deve­lop­ment trends of the dif­fe­rent eco­no­mic clus­ters, put­ting a spe­cial focus on inno­va­tion oppor­tu­nities for (start-​​up) com­pa­nies.

After their keynote pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, our experts will also be avail­able for in-​​depth dis­cus­sions and net­wor­king.
We look for­ward to your par­ti­ci­pa­tion!

The event is a coope­ra­tion of the China Com­pe­tence Cen­ter of the IHK Frank­furt & Darm­stadt toge­ther with Ger­many Trade & Invest (GTAI).

Für diese Ver­an­stal­tung ist (noch) keine Anmel­dung mög­lich.